Wednesday, February 9, 2011

SnowDEE and her Hunny

On February 9, 2011, we were hit with about 7 inches of snow. 
Unfortunately for snow builders like us it was not a good packing snow....Just to get this one snowman it took the guys well over a hour.  I had really hoped to get them to make three. I wanted to dress each one up just like us to represent our family. A cute girly one, a fireman one and T deemed he wanted a hunter for his.  And of course they'd all be together like a family and I'd get Brodee to come side beside them and I'd take pictures of the cute coldness trio.  I had this grand idea that I would send my picture off to the manufacture to make our Christmas cards for 2011 and the trio pic would be the the cover. 

As the guys labored away outside, I was gathering all my loot plus the camera, got me some warm clothes on then hit the back door, only to make it two steps off the rock patio and realized this trek wasn't happening for the gimpy girl. Back inside I go and of course text the hubby.  In the process of me telling him how to dress the snowWoman and getting her ready we forgot a few things, I had a pink bag to hang from her arm and wanted the tips of some pick flip flops sticking out from the bottom roll and I wanted to come up with some hair but forgot all about that....she still turned out pretty good. 

E shoveled me a path all the way out into the pasture so I could walk easier and come out to see you have to say Awwww....cause that in itself was something! We have three acres. After snapping a few pics he really hammed it up for me. I'm thinking I'm gonna print this one off and put it in a frame to set reminds me of a great afternoon, even if I couldn't partake in all the snow activities of the day.   

I watched from the warmth of the truck as they laughed and had fun sledding.  They didn't play around on the fourwheelers this time. But it definately made me realize....I am a doer not a watcher!
I sure missed getting to play!

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