Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Healing........

My son has been experiencing some health issues starting up shortly after Christmas (2010). Today was the day to go to Arkansas Children's Hospital for a appointment with the Nephrologist.

5:00 am came very early! For those that know me well and give me a hard time about being somewhat late at times....
we arrived over thirty minutes early for check-in. Which ended working to our advantage because we got taken right back to a room.

I really like the nurse, she seemed very knowledgeable and not only spoke with us but with T.
Even though we are at Children's Hospital they didn't treat him like a total little kid.

I got to use my new converter app on my iPhone today, they measure weight in kilograms.
And T has definitely (as we already knew) surpassed his mom in height.

T's lab work that was done in January was reviewed with us. Some things came back good while a few other things were elevated.
The doctor at ACH was impressed with the tests that T's PCP ordered. Which gives us great comfort in the fact that he felt our PCP did everything right and that he could do.

A new ur test was done....again....this is like the 6th one. But there is no protein showing up which is great! Still has red blood cells of course.
I believe they will also being doing cultures this go around.

Got a whole new round of blood work ordered. The lab tech was great and it didn't even hurt at all.
Going to do a repeat of some of the old tests and now new additional tests and screenings are going to be done.
We are going to wait for those labs to come back before we start talking about GFR levels and such, they are going to compare everything.
So I'm not going to use my new handy app for calculating same just yet.

Kidney function is good!

T had a good checkup, and got a abdominal ultrasound, front and back, done today.
The radiologist said the initial results looked good which is why we got to go ahead and be released to come home.

No known answers yet.

We really liked our doctor! He assured us he is going to do everything possible to figure this all out.
Still lots of tests and procedures to be done, but we are going to do things in certain steps. He understands our concern and frustration in the not knowing,
but he isn't going to make any determinations as of yet till we get to the end of the road.
Which by not talking about the what-if's is actually right now in a way eases the stress. He didn't seem overly concerned about some of it

(but sometimes doctors are good at hiding that till time to tell). T's blood pressure was elevated when we got there, which had them more concerned than anything.
But by the time we were ready to leave, they checked it again and it was down and doing good.

And remember kidney function is good!

I'm just going to keep hanging onto that and the fact that there is no pain. And although we don't know what is going on, why or how to fix it just yet,
we need to rest in the assurance that it just possibly could be no big anything. Sounds good anyway. And it is way easier said than done.

Blessings received today:

Saw 37 or 38 deer.....yes we argued over the number.
Had safe travels to and from.
Got to spend the day together as a family.
Met alot of nice people.
Like the staff that is taking care of us.
T didn't get admitted/got to return home.
Surprised a friend.
Although detained, didn't get my pictures deleted.
E's mom got to come home from the hospital today from the surgery she had the day before.
There are probably more, but coupled with my lack of sleep here lately that's all for now that I can recognize.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, calls and texts. Just please keep praying for....
A Healing.

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