Tuesday, March 5, 2013


It's been over a year since I posted a blog. Not how I had planned that this would work when I first created my account.  I wanted a outlet....a place to post thoughts and photos, like a online diary, that I could keep and that people could view a glimpse into me. 
Well, some people not everyone.
Soon after I set up my account and started my postings I ran into some troubles on facebook. And it made me rethink whether I wanted to start a blog. I want to be selective to who "follows" me and to some that seems mean. Yes, alot of it has to do with the fact that sometimes I am frank and definitely opinionated and if I wanted to "blog" about certain issues or people or the way it/they make me feel it ends up offending someone and then they lash out at me. I don't handle that well. And if I keep them from "following" me, then I am talking behind their back. It's really a no win situation. Same as with facebook.  Someone is always going to police you and your posts and issue their warnings (if you may call it that). I have all these posts that I wanted to make, things to mark in time.  I stopped years ago writing in a diary/journal, life got the best of me. Life seems to do that. Some days I refer to life as a she and others life is a he, all depending on my mood, but either way Life seems to have a way of latching on....