Friday, November 12, 2010

Crash.........Boom................Ouch VII

We go the physical therapy three times a week. E is doing very well with his shoulder.  He has alot of range of motion back in his arm, except for side to side and behind the back but its getting better.  He will need to continue therapy on his own and can start slowly working on rebuilding his strength.  Baby steps but it seems to be working! 

This past Monday we met with Dr. Collins in Little Rock for a check-up.  They took new x-rays of the shoulder.  Dr. Collins hopes that there is just a shadow showing up but there is a chance that the cartilage in his shoulder is dying.  We both have been told that due to us both hitting certain areas of our body with such force that we could end up with cartilage dying in those areas, and it doesn't grow back.  If this is indeed happening in his shoulder it will leave at least one of the screws eventually sticking out into his shoulder joint.  SOOOO... in three months we will go back and E will have a CT done, Dr. Collins and the radiologist will review it to determine if it is indeed dying and receding.  If that is happening then E would have to undergo another surgery to remove the screw.  Until then we are going to pray, hope, wish and pray some more that all will be well and try to live as normally as we can till then.  
I had a appointment with a orthopedic doctor in Russellville before Christmas.  My doctor (Dr. I) felt that at least that day I should/would receive some injections in my knees and back. I was looking so forward to having some of this pain gone and being able to enjoy Christmas. Unfortunately, my appointment didn't go anything like E and I had hoped. In fact it was one of the worst doctor appointments I have had in a very long time.  The doctor was running behind, and after he introduced himsself he pointed that out.  Since I didn't have anything broke he wanted to move on to the next person.  When I pointed out that I wasn't there for broke bones that it was tissue, muscle, ligiments and tendons and I was under the impression that was what he fixed, he then proceeded to tell me I had mutiple issues and he could only focus on one at a time. Even went as far as to use hand motions to get his point across.  E asked him if that meant he could only talk about one at a time because we understood that only one thing could be fixed at a time but we needed to talk to him about everything so he could determine what needed fixed first. 

He only wanted to discuss one item and I was to pick.....what if I picked the wrong one?

It's not my job to determine what needs fixed the longer some things go on it's possible that I could have lasting damage that cannot be fixed or that it could take more substantial surgery to fix. Long story short (because there's more to the story and it just makes me so darn mad), he didn't really look at me, hardly glanced at my disk with the mri's and x-rays on it, didn't examine me so we left there with nothing...nothing...nothing I tell you. Other than wasting alot of time, us both missing physical therapy that day (a Friday nonetheless which means I had to wait till Monday to get a little relief) gas money lost and we ended up just more frustrated. 

I cried all the way home.

But God gave me a little message and some more patience. If I can be a advocate for my child when he is ill then I need to be my own advocate. So Monday morning at therapy I started pushing for my own home machine, and then I made a new appointment with Dr. I to find a new orthopedic doctor. Later that week I saw my doctor, who I have to say again that I really am blessed to have, told him what happened and we agreed I needed to be seen by someone and then we started down the list to find a new surgeon.

By God's blessing I have scored a appointment with the highly coveted Dr. Jones.

The only draw back is I would have to wait a month before seeing him, February 1st is THE day!! But his nurse assured me that he could handle all my issues and I've heard nothing but good things from people about him so as I try to not get worked up about it I just can't wait!!! (It's silly that all I have to look forward to this year is my appt with him) If I could... I'd shake a tail feather, but since it brings me pain to do so, pain that is bone on bone grinding pain I won't, but inside I'm shakin it!! LOL

I have reached the point that physical therapy is helping me get through each week but isn't really healing me, therefore something must be done. They got me my own home machine, which helps alot.  I use it every day that I need to on the areas that need it, what a blessing to have it!!

As much as I'm excited about meeting my surgeon I'm also nervous and a little scared.   
I have more electrodes hooked up to me daily just to be able to get through the get through the pain. But I wanted this so I could cut down on my pain meds, I hate being doped up, I refuse to be in a fog daily. So if you see me with wires coming out from under my clothes well....just think....I'm working on getting closer to being Super Woman now!

Next plan....flying...OH wait, I've mastered that one so what should my next super power be? LOL

Sooo let the countdown begin..........
.......25 days

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crash.............Boom................Ouch VI

E is doing very well, he is doing more and more left the time this is all over he may be officially left handed. He goes back to Little Rock for a checkup shortly before Thanksgiving.  He is hoping that all is healing well, that the new xrays show a good report and that he can be scheduled to start physical therapy very soon.

Just when I thought I was finally getting on the road to better I had a change and have ended up on the road to worse.  Two weeks ago we got out and E drove us over Mt Magazine which turned out to be a not so good thing for me I guess.  I had three very bad days in a row that nearly landed me back in the ER.  So now I am on a complete different regimen.  Plans are hopefully this next week they are going to start figuring out what Ortho doctor and Neurologist I am going to be sent to.  Besides many other issues I still have fluid on both knees and my left elbow. While I am really looking forward to that and ready to progress on to figuring out what all is actually wrong and messed up and to what degree and to start working to figure out how to get better and what is gong to have to be done to get there........I am starting to dread it at the same time. It is going to be a long road, and probably painful they say....and I am so tired of pain. 

Not only in the last two weeks did we have to deal with the physical medical changes with me.... we both had to deal with the mental changes due to stress, etc, about money going out, out, out and none coming in and everything that goes along with that.

We got out and went and saw the motorcycle.  None of the pictures I took do it justice, it doesn't matter at what angle I take them you just can't see everything.  I really wanted to take one of E sitting straddle the bike, but he wouldn't get on it. So I had to settle with one of him beside it even though he really didn't want me to take it.  Then in the same night we viewed the video tape of the wreck from the store.  That turned out to be way more hard and emotional than I thought it would be.  In the end after we got home, E said it was hard for him to watch also.  So then I started having the dreams was very hard for me because the first thing I thought was "we were mowed down!", I knew that the car was making the turn and not stopping at all for us, I saw the front tire of the bike hit the car, and several witnesses said the car was speeding....we didn't realize it until we actually saw how fast he was going. Then because I didn't see anything that was behind me due to where I landed, etc....I actually got to see how far from the bike I ended up. We both had hoped that by watching the tape the blanks that we have would be filled in and they were not, that was disappointing in a way, but in the end maybe better for both of us. 

I am going to attach a photo of the bike, it doesn't show much though. I also am going to attach a photo of my spine showing the bend in my neck and upper back.  My lower torso (hips) are twisted sideways. 

I know people talk, gossip whatever you want to say and you can not stop human nature, that is understandable.  I, nor E are not in no way, fashion or form, mentally messed up due to not wearing helmets.  The issues I am dealing with are not due to a helmet or head trauma, (and yes my head does still hurts in a few places).  Yes financially we are struggling, who wouldn't be! you can only save so much for a rainy day, and due to his foot issues and now this wreck he pretty much will be off 5-6 months the year of 2010.  year.  We have NO income, no we have no disability coverage, E started a new job a year ago, they didn't alert us as to when the yearly change was so we can add or delete insurance coverage, etc....needless to say thanks to someone in the office "forgetting" to tell the newbie that works 3-4 hours from the main office we are in a pickle.  We have always had some sort of disability coverage. 
Maybe you will never have to experience any of this in your lifetime, and that would be wonderful for you and your family, but please think about how your comments affect us. 

In the past month I have had two people come by the house trying to sell us stuff and one asking to do work around our place for a fee.  And in the past week I have been asked four times to make donations to various organizations, because I have done so in the past I knew a few were going to be asking again.  I had to say no.  It breaks my heart.  It breaks my heart not to do my volunteer work right now.  It breaks my heart to say no I can't donate now due to our situation and get asked three more times about making some kind of commitment. 

I know all this is becoming very had on Tbird.  I hate it.  I feel helpless. We had our accident on Sunday and on Tuesday he was the number one seed for his Tennis team at District.  The stress and worry of our situation and the fact that while he was getting ready for his first match we were yet again at the doctor didn't help him.  He played a good game....not his best.  He got beat barely.....his dream of going to State is shattered. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crash.........Boom...........Ouch V

Oooohhh what a day......

On Thursday, October 14, 2010 in Little Rock, at the new Baptist Hospital E had shoulder surgery.    

The morning started out crazy and hectic, but with all that we were running on time.  Early by at least thirty minutes in fact....(go ahead all my friends and chuckle about this, but it's true, I was on time!)

Pretty much everything went fairly smoothly.  I am usually a nervous wreck, most of the time can't sit still, ever the worry wart.....huummmm could it be the meds I'm on that kept me calm you say?   Maybe, BUT I didn't take any that day at all just so I would be as alert as I possibly could. So I'd like to say I was calm due to God taking my worries away.

It was definately a very long day, but ended with a good outcome.  Dr. Collins had some new tests ordered before surgery....a certain type of cat scan formatted to his liking. During surgery he found that the pieces he was afraid would be to shattered to use to put the biggest break (a 4mm offset of the gleniod) back together were useable and put two screws in to reset the gleniod and gave E a smooth joint like he had before.  The shattered parts didn't need a bone graph or plate, as long as he does what he's suppose to and things don't shift Dr. Collins left that alone, along with the breaks in the scapula, to heal on their own.  He didn't cut through the muscles but instead seperated them, and that too was to help on recovery time.  The surgery was originally scheduled for two plus hours but only took about an hour!! E has about a 4 inch area on his shoulder that has ten steri-strips on it. He has to wear a special brace and can't do anything (which drives him nuts).  

Since he was previously affected with MRSA this year there were alot of extra steps to go through because of that but it was just precautions and rules.  While in his short stay room he kept saying he was going to the football game Friday night!  The ride home was long, and it was late, but he was determined he wasn"t spending the night in the hospital.  He made it through Friday morning well, but as the day went on he started not feeling so well.  He was trying to go without any pain meds so he could get out and go to the game, but ended up having to listen to it on channel two.  Once we got his meds in him about an hour later he was feeling better, he doesn't take them often at all and seems to be doing well without them.  He's not allowed to move his arm at all until further instructions. The most he gets to do is squeeze a red squishy ball to promote circulation. We got back to Little Rock in a week to meet with Dr. Collins and let him verbally "lay down the law" to E on what he can do and can not do. But you know it's going to be the same things I've already been telling him! LOL

I'm always saying the weekends go by way to fast, but this past weekend went by slow at our house! 

I want to also give a thank you shout out to my friend S for sitting with me all day Thursday and being away from her family and her business, and for being our taxi cab around Little Rock.
And to my little sister.....thanks to you and MeeMee for getting the house ready for us Thursday to come home to, even for going over later and turning the lights on and making a late night run to WalMart for us, for taking time away from your family to help us, to cook, to shuttle us around, etc...  

I will be getting some MRI's, c-shots, etc, etc, to figure out what's going on with me.  E goes back to Little Rock the 25th.  After that we should know what we are looking at and for how long....but three months keeps getting repeated on the minimum for E.  We are hopeful and optimistic that he heals well, and is as good as new if not better when this is all said and done.  Insurance people are coming to look at the bike, this week I believe.  Maybe one day I will post a pic of it when I gather the courage to share. We haven't saw it in person still, well E saw it after the wreck but I didn't get to, I think one day soon we are going to go take a gander at it.  

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lucky Rascal

When my mom brought us this little rat of a dog that I never asked for I wasn't thrilled at first, well really not at all.  I had not asked for a dog but she was getting it one way or another.  A chihuahua....what on earth for!  When he was but a day or two old (and Tyler obviously was little) Tyler was carrying him and dropped him down the back steps (the concrete back steps) and he was ok, (we worried that he knocked his little smarts loose but later would find out he was very very smart) and that earned him his name....because he was one "Lucky Rascal".

She got this miniature spot of hair for Tyler, but that little dog soon became my shadow. He'd walk beside me perfectly as if on a leash and never have one attached to him.  Everyone whose ever spent any time around him would swear he understood the things I told him.  He may have only weighed five pounds tops but he was the King of the back yard and ruled as if he was as big as my Golden Retriever.  Me walking him with my Brodee was definately a sight to see! He was always ready to see Tyler and play.  He would get so excited to see one of us he would run this laps around the back yard as fast as he could, he was sooo funny!

If he was on the front porch I'd tell him to stay and he would until told he could get down.  If he got out to close to the road and I'd say, "Lucky are you suppose to be down there", he always came back to where he was expected to be. I could let him out with me anywhere and he'd not run off.  He loved the outdoors, swimming, playing in the snow and riding four wheelers.  

He was a good companion, loyal and devoted.  Only asking for one thing, his belly to be rubbed.  He would throw himself down on the ground in a flip upon his back to get in front of you and just look at you with a beg in the eyes to have his belly rubbed.  Most people who saw him do this thought for sure he was having seizures!

He was my little alarm, barking when things were going on outside that shouldn't have been.  It wasn't that he barked to annoy, if he barked there was a reason and I relied upon that alot.  Eric called him the sounding bell, whenever I would pull up in the driveway Eric would know I'm home because of Lucky's excited barking. 

He wasn't just a pet, but a friend and definately a part of our family.  You can't have a animal for that long and not be attached to it.  Life will not be the same for a long time around here without him in it.  It was hard on Tyler today, since we are both on restrictions, it was up to him to pretty much do everything for the burial.  If Eric had two working arms we would have done somethings differently, but in the end I guess all is well that ends well.  Tyler and I picked the same spot, one that we felt Lucky enjoyed, one where the squirrels picked on him, so now they can play over head and keep him company. 

Our little furry friend, passed away today.  On a warm, sunny day, loved, well fed, cherished and spoiled, curled up in his dog house.  He will be missed greatly........

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Crash..........Boom............Ouch IV

E got his stitches removed from his head and now that I can see his laceration better, it looks nothing like I thought it did. But it is healing well. We finally obtained the police report after 12 days. 

After 45 minutes this morning at the doctor's office they finally got everything set up and I got to see a doctor!! YAY!  I like him, you just have to listen to his stories (LOL) way better than having to have a doc that doesn't care or a bad bedside manner.  I spent all morning there, and also really liked the nurse I had and the desk staff. What a wonderful blessing!! I went in prepared for a fight and was met with "what can we do to get you better", "and it's gonna take us some time if you want to get in today but I think we can do it", you don't always run into that.

Dr. I reviewed all my xrays done the night of the accident and my cat scan.  I got some new xrays done today, why do they make you turn like a pretzel to take a film? LOL Nothing is broke and instead of some swelling going down I have a few places that it's not and a few new places that have started hurting.  New plan of action, he thinks I need to give the head longer to heal, I'm just pushing it too much and too far, same with pretty much everything else too. 

Got a steriod shot today, my first! It is  suppose to help with the swelling and pain. (huummm I think my hands are feeling better already...maybe) The pills they gave me for that previously made me sick so I had to stop taking them. 
They say this shot will last for a while.....bad thing about it you will gain 3-5 pounds...
HELLO what chic wants that!
Good news, they tell me it will go away (but still).

I asked my nurse to give me the shot in my numb didn't hurt, but HELLO afterwards for a hour it did. Man the things a girls gotta go through to feel better so she can start putting on her makeup and fixin her hair to look good LOL. Got some new meds and a fancy sling to keep my left arm immobile and stay off my feet as much as possible (yeah easier said than done).  Gotta give it about a week and a half to two weeks and go back and see Dr. I for a new assessment. There are some things he is watching and if some of those things aren't better with my knees or elbow, without going into all the details I will get some MRI's done and could be looking at some surgery. 

I told him I've deemed myself Super Woman since I flew through the air (LOL) and we can say we walked away from this wreck.  He agreed I must be some kind of super woman since he knew I had to have been hurting this past week and kept on keeping on.  I have some popping in my knees and shoulder. I should fit right in with hunting season here, E says I sound like a gun going off.  My doctor is a  older guy, like a big teddy bear, he told us instead of getting a bike in our mid-life crisis or whatever you want to call it we should have gotten a sports car! (yeah he doesn't know me to well with the lead foot and all does he!)

Got a long day tomorrow, but hopefully it all goes well and we finally get Eric on his road to recovery.  I feel confident in Dr. Collins, I just hope when he gets in there it all goes smoothly since he said it was a complicated surgery. 

I think I need to get some duct tape or something to hog tie E down here at the house afterwards.  He went out yesterday to "exercise" his left hand and arm.....shooting pistols. 

God give me the strength to wrestle with him I think I'm gonna need it!

Oh yeah, someone turned in front of us today.....yes again....I'm started to wonder if we aren't a magnet! Anyway, it was the only time today when we were out that I was totally in panic mode, my heart went in my throat and was poundin something crazy like.  But for the most part I think I made it pretty good today.  Tomorrow, well that may be a different story, E's brother B is driving us to Little Rock.
B combined with Little Rock traffic may not make for a good combination LOL.

Eric can't eat after midnight. If you know Eric and his stomach that could turn into torture for the rest of us. That Sunday when we left the hospital after the accident his first request was  to obtain food....soon!

Beam me up.........Superwoman's getting re-charged!!
I got to start physical therapy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Crash...........Boom.............Ouch III

The first week was spent going to the doctor and the doctor and the doctor.

Everyday we had to take Eric to some medical facility of some sort. After a great friend pulled some strings we were able to get in to see Dr. Collins in Little Rock five weeks before we, at one point, thought we were going to.  We really, really like him!! He's suppose to be some sort of amazing doctor/shoulder genius! Dr. Collins will put the "puzzle pieces" of E's shoulder back together on Thursday (10-14-10) 
I know he's dreading the recovery but like with everything else (and since he's so stubborn) he'll work hard through the therapy to get better as soon as he can.  He won't let anyone hardly do anything for him, he says he has to figure out how to live for the next three months or more using his left hand. (I have to tell you some things are pretty funny to watch especially the whole brushing of the teeth!)

After being on the road everyday I realized very early off that I wanted nothing more than to stay home.
Locked up. 

It probably was good to be forced to get out so that I wouldn't do that, but we realized that I have alot of anxiety/anxiousness. 
I didn't want to let E out of my sight. 
Every time we came upon a car, or someone turned I was reaching for that brake in the floor that isn't there.  Coming back from one of our trips to Little Rock, E's brother C deemed that one of us is a magnet for people to want to turn in front of us, we lost count the number of times it happened. 

I don't have all the answers right now to a lot of things and especially the big one..... how we are going to live for three to four months with no income.
Just when I start getting impatient about it I calm right down. 

Someone must have sent up a prayer right about that time!

God left us here for great things.....I'm just waiting to hear from him again. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Crash...........Boom..........Ouch II

I thought we would be killed when we hit that car. 

I truly had a quick thought that one or both of us would not live because a wreck had been my biggest fear when we got the bike.  A understandable thought sure, but my thought nonetheless was of a accident. 

Eric's been riding some form of bike since he was a kid into his adult life, did I trust him...most certainly...I was nervous and apprehensive but he never hardly drove the speed limit with me, we liked to just "toodaled" along. He rode any way that would make me feel as comfortable as possible and to make it as much of a enjoyable experience for me as he possibly could. He truly wanted this to be something great for the two of us to do, we had talked about taking a day drive up the pig trail soon....

It was cold that Sunday but I wanted to go out on the bike.
Yes now I wish I had said lets turn back many, many a time.  But in the end I would have missed something very important, and although it is going to be a big strain financially (and I've no idea how we will manage) and a strain physically on us, we can't change what happened. 

Our year has been tough on us in alot of ways.  Since July with Eric's whole foot issue, well at times I was feeling that God wasn't hearing me. 

BUT here's what I would have missed if Sunday had been different....I had a epiphany while laying in that road and noone nor nothing can, or will take that away from me. And I think that perhaps at times the devil was trying to horn in on my "rejoicing" as it may be called because on that Sunday I felt as if I had dueled with the devil and won!!  

Why God did it this way to let me know He is with me when I need Him I don't know. He knows how stubborn I can be and I guess He felt He had to bend me to see Him.  Now for all you nonbelievers, I don't hold that against you. What you choose to believe is strictly up to you so please don't hold my whole God experience against me and snarl your nose at me.  I can and will say this in a different way that I hope you understand as well....plain and simple we could have been killed, just like anyone can die at any time, but we weren't, we lived, this wasn't our time, and I make no apologies for being down right happy about it!!

Lots of things happened to me while laying there, many things that alot of you will never understand and some things that I can't share with just everyone.

I do however want to tell you about a few. 

When I opened my eyes the sunlight was bright and for a moment there I thought it was THE light, and I was alone.  The next time I opened my eyes THE light was still bright and I thought I saw someone I recognized.........someone in who is in Heaven. I opened my eyes again and there were people around me, someone was talking to me but I really couldn't hear him and I tried to tell him to hold my hand, but I was having such a hard time breathing and was panting I don't know what happened. I heard Eric asking me (from far off) if I was ok and he sounded in pain and I had a quick flash of a horrible image of him laying in the road mangled.

I couldn't move. 

I couldn't breathe. 

And I shut my eyes again.

Next there were more people talking to me, telling me not to move, I saw my Uncle D and couldn't believe it was him, I shut my eyes again. When I opened them he was still there he looked like he couldn't believe that it was me in front of him.  I asked him to hold my hand and guess I got it out because he did and I asked him not to leave me, I shut my eyes again. I have a  high pain tolerance and at times in order to calm myself I go to this place....sometimes I "chant" in my head, whatever works to get me through whatever the situation may be. When I opened my eyes again Uncle D was still there.... people were saying the ambulance had been called, don't move, could I squeeze their hand (with my right hand), where did I hurt, did I think I could move, don't move but did I think I could move (no, I couldn't feel my left side) could I wiggle my toes (yes!), etc etc, etc....Some nice biker lady (I call her this because she had on a do-rag and riding clothes) stayed behind me and held my hips up as I layed on my side and it felt like such a relief to have her there. She patted my shoulder and said things to me that seemed comforting and supportive at the time, although now I can't remember what they were.  A guy in a light colored t-shirt and jeans was trying to figure out where all I hurt and what needed immediate attention for when the ambulance got there. I saw some other faces all telling me it was going to be ok, that they all saw what happened, not to worry.....a real pretty lady in a pink shirt with some buttons on it bent over my head the whole time to get the sun out of my eyes so I could try to keep them open. It had to have hurt her back but she said "it's what I could do to help". I saw a soldier in a uniform with our insignia on it. I saw a biker dude in a black do-rag, black coat or shirt and a dark beard I saw his lips move and then I realized he said "why isn't she crying".  I saw E only once and thought if he's up and walking he's not too bad, right?  He was running on adrenaline and in the ambulance he "came down" off it.  He said some lady kept trying to keep him sitting down and put pressure on his head and she told the group of people that was around him that she needed something to put on his head. A guy took off his shirt and said "use this, I don't need it or want it back he needs it more". (this is so significant to us cause that is usually E doing something just like that!) When E would get up and walk around that lady went with him trying to keep that shirt on his head.  His shoulder was hurting him something bad. He really thinks his head was cut when he was thrown threw the windshield not by hitting it on the ground. I tell you all this information simply because of this....with E being a fireman he's on "scene" at alot of different things, we all in our lives may have helped at a wreck or some kind of accident before or will in the future, by being a bystander who is going to be around the injured you need to be helpful, calm and as nice as possible, it really does help! Until now I haven't had the experience of being on the other side and receiving the help, I've always been the helper. A bunch of guys loaded our bike by hand into the back of Uncle D's truck. I was asked if I had any ID and said yes in my saddle bag on the right side of the bike.  Our stuff from our saddles bags was thrown all over from what I was told, my saddle bag had been ripped off, people gathered all our stuff up for us. A few days later when we went through our belongings, everything was there!   

Our accident happened around 4:30pm and I knew Tbird was going to be home soon, when I asked what time it was I was told 7:12pm, uuuuuh well crap where have I been and what's going on with my son.  

I was unaware that through time the waiting room was filling up.  I had asked Uncle D to come to the hospital and the soldier to call a friend of ours,another soldier.  I had no idea if my phone survived the crash, couldn't use it anyway they had me strapped down like a pudgy donut about to fall off a plate. I remember thinking after we know what's wrong then we'll tell our family.....I never thought about Uncle D calling my dad! ( But of course he did). One of the nurses told me at some point my mom was in the waiting room and I was thinking how did she get there? She told me a lady and guy was there too, I figured that was Uncle D and the other lady had to be for someone else. 
So to my surprise I was greeted with a room full of people later that night when we got released, my mom and dad, Tbird, my little sister and her husband and my nephew (who I scared by looking like I did) Uncle D and Aunt M (who I didn't even know was with him at the time) Aunt S, ours friends B & D, K, L& S and the boys all the way from Little Rock.

After a very short Monday night, we went to St Edwards Monday to meet with Dr. Harp.  He took some additional xrays of E's shoulder and decided we needed to have a Cat Scan done there to see what was going on.  They couldn't get him in on Monday so we had to go back Tuesday to Cooper Clinic to have it done. It takes 24 hours for things to process so back again to St Edwards on Wednesday for the reading of the scan.....The scapula (shoulder blade) is broke in several places, but he wasn't concerned with that, the glenoid (the end of the shoulder blade that is concavity (curved like a C kinda and fits against the ball of the shoulder) has a 4mm displacement break and needs to be re-aligned and pinned.  He's never done this type of surgery before.  We so totally appreciate him telling us that! He is consulting with another doctor in Ft Smith to see if he can do that type of surgery, next is Dr. Collins in Little Rock and third is a doctor in Fayetteville. We had hoped to find out Wednesday evening, but unfortunately we have to wait till Thursday to find out.  I told you previously that our accident was on video tape, the company that does the surveillance tapes is having trouble transferring their feed onto a different type of media for us and the officer to have. We are hoping that changes soon. E is doing good, other than his shoulder hurting he says he feels fine (I'm sure he's sore) he has those stitches in his head but says it's not a big deal at all and doesn't even complain about his head. He wears a big stabilizer brace at night and uses a sling during the day.  Doctor said just don't move it much or lift anything heavier than a pencil or fork with that hand/arm/shoulder.  He is planning on being at the Bearcat home football game Thursday he is not (and no one better let him) do anything on the chain gang...but he wants to get out see friends, the kids, etc, before he's confined again and can't he says. 

His hurt arm is like a magnet to people though, I'm so afraid someone or something is going to happen to bump into or hit his shoulder and make it worse. His reply....nah, it'll be ok! Ugh..MEN! lol

I hurt all over still, from my head to my knees.  I find new bruises every day. The medicine they gave me for the road rash must be working, even though it still hurts something horrible it is healing up.  I have a follow-up appointment next week to have a few things looked at, my left elbow, right knee and head.  I want to make sure that everything is on the right track to healing and going to be alright.  At some point I will have to go to the chiropractor to get checked out and adjusted.   Sometimes I get frustrated over a few things but Aunt M said it will get better in time, so I'm just going to keep telling myself that cause she's a nurse so I'm going to trust her.  I'm just really wanting to get E taken care of, fixed and on the right track of getting better, then I will feel better.  I am so amazed that we aren't hurt any worse than we are, every time I think about it its like a surprise almost. Since he feels pretty good other than the shoulder I really do wish it was me instead of him, but what was meant to be will be I guess.  

I don't preach and these blogs well that's not what this is meant to be, or maybe it is I don't know.  I'm just sharing with you all my heart and my thoughts. I am a Christian, if I say I am going to pray for you I mean it, an I will do it!  My hope is only this, that after you read my blogs about our journey you treat someone nice, that you tell someone you care, that you take one moment to slow down or that you do something to "pay it forward". 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Crash........Boom.........Ouch I

Things could have been alot worse.....

A Sunday afternoon joyride turns not so joyful......
We had been out on the bike not long at all. It's a pretty cheap something to do, $5 bucks to fill up we ride, (you can get in about 140 +miles on that $5 bucks) we visit with each other, see pretty country, eat a cheap bite somewhere and come home.
Since Tbird turned 16 and started driving this was something E thought we could do together to help our emptiness syndrome.
I think I'm sticking around home for awhile from now on.
It was cool out. We had stopped a few times to layer up. Doc said that in the end it helped keep from being cut to the bone.
I don't know how E managed it but he hardly has any road rash at all, just banged up, bruised, a large goose egg on his noggin and 9 stitches in that beautiful bald head. He has breaks in shoulder and will have to see a specialist to get it fixed.  
About the only thing that doesn't hurt on me from head to toe are my toes! But nothing is broke. It is mainly all down my left side. I skidded on my head (the left front) across the asphalt an hit my left cheek bone, my glasses protected my eye brow bone and my eye. My left elbow, wrist, hand and one finger are very bad but they say not broke. Bruised ribs, hip, kidney, and both my knees are banged up. It hurts so bad but I know it could be worse. I have alot alot of road rash, some places worse than others. 

We had many nice and wonderful people help us. 

I was so afraid I'd get ran over by a car while laying in the road and started to panic because I couldn't move or breathe. At one point I recognized my Uncle holding my hand turns out he was right behind us in his truck and saw it all. I only saw E once an his head was covered in blood. He wouldn't let them put him on a back board because they'd have to transport us separate since I was on one. Once he got in the ambulance I still couldn't see him but they started messing with him cause his bp dropped. I get car sick if I can't look out the was a long ride let me tell you!  
I saw alot of ceiling. 
I was in a room for a long time. 
I was strapped down all over and couldn't move.
I finally started to cry but that made things hurt worse and I had trouble breathing, so I sucked it up and did my best not to.
The accident was somewhere around 4:30pm it was about 8:30pm or later before I got let off that horrid board and out of the neck brace. I did everything I could to be able to be released to go home.  
I finally got to go see Eric, lucky dude wasn't strapped down! He refused to go to a larger hospital because we'd be separated again. (stubborn sweet man of mine) 
He will need to see a neurosurgeon about his shoulder. 
For many, many hours it was very crazy,  and hard to deal with because I am always the one in control.

It was just like you see on tv or in blooper clips, the centrifugal force just throws you and rolls you across the asphalt like a rag doll, there's nothing you can do but wait till you stop. I heard E trying to say my name but I couldn't move or talk back, he crawled over to me but stayed behind me so I couldn't see him and not freak out. I have a amazing man who was more worried about me than himself.
The bike............. its totalled.
This 17 year old boy just turned right in front of us never slowed down or stopped. Just a few more seconds an he'd have turned into the side of us, so it could have been alot worse. It's on tape from the gas station, and it took me a month before I could watch that video.
I also think my riding days, though very short lived, are through. At least for a long long long time.
I know accidents happen and that's what it was a accident. Everyone, not just kids, has got to stop, slow down and just pay attention to bikes, cars, trucks, so many accidents could be avoided.
I know God was with us.
He blessed us with amazing caring by-standers, paramedics, doctors and nurses. 
What a great God to put my Uncle D and Aunt M there with us, it kept me from breaking down an to just let people take care of us instead of me worrying about taking care of us.
I also met, while on the pavement, one of my B Battery soldiers, not how I would have preferred to introduce myself as his Family Readiness Group President but hey, whatever works right! I gave him two names, without phone numbers, and that soldier made the phone call. 
I can't say enough about this....God was with us this I know!
The strangers He put around us were a comfort to me. They were caring and nice and they kept me from panicking. I knew people were with E, taking care of him and that was my main concern because I couldn't. 
I hope eventually the accident will stop replaying in my head and I can find some peace. 

Crash.............Boom...............Ouch Ouch Ouch

On Sunday, October 3, 2010, while out on a motorcycle ride, my husband and I had a automobile turn directly in front of us.  We of course immediately hit and our lives changed. These crash, boom, blogs are long winded, but they are more for me to keep in "print" things that happened or went on in the months that followed.
This picutre is from our first bike ride together in 2009.