Friday, November 12, 2010

Crash.........Boom................Ouch VII

We go the physical therapy three times a week. E is doing very well with his shoulder.  He has alot of range of motion back in his arm, except for side to side and behind the back but its getting better.  He will need to continue therapy on his own and can start slowly working on rebuilding his strength.  Baby steps but it seems to be working! 

This past Monday we met with Dr. Collins in Little Rock for a check-up.  They took new x-rays of the shoulder.  Dr. Collins hopes that there is just a shadow showing up but there is a chance that the cartilage in his shoulder is dying.  We both have been told that due to us both hitting certain areas of our body with such force that we could end up with cartilage dying in those areas, and it doesn't grow back.  If this is indeed happening in his shoulder it will leave at least one of the screws eventually sticking out into his shoulder joint.  SOOOO... in three months we will go back and E will have a CT done, Dr. Collins and the radiologist will review it to determine if it is indeed dying and receding.  If that is happening then E would have to undergo another surgery to remove the screw.  Until then we are going to pray, hope, wish and pray some more that all will be well and try to live as normally as we can till then.  
I had a appointment with a orthopedic doctor in Russellville before Christmas.  My doctor (Dr. I) felt that at least that day I should/would receive some injections in my knees and back. I was looking so forward to having some of this pain gone and being able to enjoy Christmas. Unfortunately, my appointment didn't go anything like E and I had hoped. In fact it was one of the worst doctor appointments I have had in a very long time.  The doctor was running behind, and after he introduced himsself he pointed that out.  Since I didn't have anything broke he wanted to move on to the next person.  When I pointed out that I wasn't there for broke bones that it was tissue, muscle, ligiments and tendons and I was under the impression that was what he fixed, he then proceeded to tell me I had mutiple issues and he could only focus on one at a time. Even went as far as to use hand motions to get his point across.  E asked him if that meant he could only talk about one at a time because we understood that only one thing could be fixed at a time but we needed to talk to him about everything so he could determine what needed fixed first. 

He only wanted to discuss one item and I was to pick.....what if I picked the wrong one?

It's not my job to determine what needs fixed the longer some things go on it's possible that I could have lasting damage that cannot be fixed or that it could take more substantial surgery to fix. Long story short (because there's more to the story and it just makes me so darn mad), he didn't really look at me, hardly glanced at my disk with the mri's and x-rays on it, didn't examine me so we left there with nothing...nothing...nothing I tell you. Other than wasting alot of time, us both missing physical therapy that day (a Friday nonetheless which means I had to wait till Monday to get a little relief) gas money lost and we ended up just more frustrated. 

I cried all the way home.

But God gave me a little message and some more patience. If I can be a advocate for my child when he is ill then I need to be my own advocate. So Monday morning at therapy I started pushing for my own home machine, and then I made a new appointment with Dr. I to find a new orthopedic doctor. Later that week I saw my doctor, who I have to say again that I really am blessed to have, told him what happened and we agreed I needed to be seen by someone and then we started down the list to find a new surgeon.

By God's blessing I have scored a appointment with the highly coveted Dr. Jones.

The only draw back is I would have to wait a month before seeing him, February 1st is THE day!! But his nurse assured me that he could handle all my issues and I've heard nothing but good things from people about him so as I try to not get worked up about it I just can't wait!!! (It's silly that all I have to look forward to this year is my appt with him) If I could... I'd shake a tail feather, but since it brings me pain to do so, pain that is bone on bone grinding pain I won't, but inside I'm shakin it!! LOL

I have reached the point that physical therapy is helping me get through each week but isn't really healing me, therefore something must be done. They got me my own home machine, which helps alot.  I use it every day that I need to on the areas that need it, what a blessing to have it!!

As much as I'm excited about meeting my surgeon I'm also nervous and a little scared.   
I have more electrodes hooked up to me daily just to be able to get through the get through the pain. But I wanted this so I could cut down on my pain meds, I hate being doped up, I refuse to be in a fog daily. So if you see me with wires coming out from under my clothes well....just think....I'm working on getting closer to being Super Woman now!

Next plan....flying...OH wait, I've mastered that one so what should my next super power be? LOL

Sooo let the countdown begin..........
.......25 days