Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Journey II

Two days later I returned with my husband in tow. 
Dr. Muyleart was going to do some tests a few that he felt certain Eric wouldn't want to be in the room for.  He said husband's are usually very uncomfortable with the procedures or rather seeing him perform the procedures. 
He opted to stay anyway.

Long story short after the tests all came back..... I had a lump in my breast, one with "concerning edges", a growth in my uterus, a growth outside my uterus, a cyst on a ovary and a few other things that while I was having surgery he would be checking on and removing if need be. 
(no wonder we never were able to have another baby)
After some meetings I was very fortunate enough to get my surgery scheduled to include all procedures to be done while going under just once.  It meant coordinating schedules, two seperate teams and who knows what else....I was blessed again with those doctors taking it upon themselves to get their staff to handle it all. 
I had jumped through so many hoops handing insurance problems and getting everything approved and making sure both offices had all copies of all tests, labs, procedures, etc
(they were lost twice so I gathered all info and hand delivered it to both offices myself)
We got all this done in about a week.

"Dee" Day (as we called it) dawned.
Dr Hunton was scheduled to go first. I signed the papers for a mastectomy if once he got in there and found bad news. They move me to prep and we get ready and wait. 
And wait. 
Dr. Muyleart is now finished with his previous surgery and eventually came and sat with me to wait on Dr. Hunton. Dr. H was involved in a surgery that was taking longer than expected. Every so often Dr. M would go check on Dr. H to see where he was at and how much longer.  Finally, Dr. H comes back to my prep room.
We all go over the plan and they wheel me away. 

Dr. H went first. He ended up removing a pretty large lump from my right breast and had to leave a scar on the side under my arm that would be hard to conceal at times. 
Next, Dr. M is up to do his thang.
A cyst was removed along with three growths and cells were all scraped and burned off. 
Home I'm sent.
Everything looks ok they tell me, but we won't know for sure until all the labs come back. 
I've got to wait about a week. I've went back to work.
I get a call from the hospital to come in, can you come in today they ask....
Calls to come in are never good. 
I'm greeted with some half smiles and another cup of Joe. 
 I have "funky" cells. I'm gonna take some medicine for awhile. But all is ok.  While on the medicine I will gain weight. I will have other side effects from the meds.  I will more than likely take the meds from one to three years. 
  I will need to not get pregnant.
Life is gonna change somewhat, but you're probably going to be ok.


to be OR not to be

DCIS, LCIS, Pre-Cancer and other "Stage Zero" Breast Conditions:
Are Women Getting Mastectomies They Don't Need?

By: Susan Dudley, PhD and Diana Zuckerman, PhD

Thanks to heightened awareness of breast cancer screening, women are being diagnosed earlier than ever before. However, that has also resulted in what some experts consider an epidemic of women diagnosed with abnormal breast conditions that are not cancer or may never develop into invasive cancer. Some of these conditions are not at all dangerous, and the others have survival rates near 99%; nevertheless, these diagnoses often sound very frightening. In fact, research shows that these women are often just as worried about whether they will survive as women with the much more dangerous, invasive forms of breast cancer.

There is a wide range of treatment for women with these "stage zero" conditions. Although mastectomies are almost never necessary or recommended by experts, many women undergo mastectomies nevertheless. Research suggests that this is especially likely in the South, Midwest, and Southwest parts of the United States, in certain types of medical facilities, and with older doctors.

Knowing the Facts Will Reduce the Fear

It can be extremely upsetting for a woman to learn that she has any condition that increases her breast cancer risk. Too often, such news leaves women feeling that they must rush into surgery. They agree to - or even insist upon - undergoing mastectomies that they do not really need, in hopes that it will increase their chances of survival. In fact, their chances of survival are already very high, and having a mastectomy will not make it higher.

The good news is that most women with "pre-cancerous" conditions or other non-cancerous breast conditions will never get invasive breast cancer. For example, only 1 in 12 breast lumps is cancerous, and 1 in 5 cases of micro-calcification (white spots seen on mammograms that alert doctors that follow-up diagnosis is needed) are related to cancer, so most women get good news after a breast biopsy. For many women, however, anxiety levels soar when they learn that they might possibly be at risk for breast cancer because of abnormal changes in their breasts.

This issue brief will describe two conditions that are often referred to as "stage zero breast cancer" as well as other non-cancerous abnormal breast conditions.

Ductal Cancinoma in Situ (DCIS)

In recent years, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has become one of the most commonly diagnosed breast conditions. It is often referred to as "stage zero breast cancer." It is a non-invasive breast cancer that is usually diagnosed on a mammogram when it is so small that it has not formed a lump. In DCIS, some of the cells lining the ducts (the parts of the breast that secrete milk) have developed abnormally, but the abnormality has not spread to other breast cells. DCIS is not painful or dangerous, but it sometimes develops into invasive cancer in the future if it is not treated. That is why surgical removal of the abnormal cells, followed by radiation, is usually recommended.

What makes most cancers dangerous is that they are invasive, which means they are not restricted to one spot, but have spread to other cells within the organ where they arose. Once that happens, cancer can metastasize, which means that it spreads to other organs in the body. DCIS is not an invasive type of cancer and DCIS can not metastasize unless it first develops into invasive cancer.

The goal of treating invasive cancer while it is still confined to the breast is to prevent it from spreading to the lungs, bones, brain, or other parts of the body, where it can be fatal. Since DCIS is not an invasive cancer, it is even less of a threat than an early-stage invasive cancer (usually called Stage 1 or Stage 2 cancer).

Having DCIS means that a woman has an increased risk for developing invasive breast cancer in the future, unless she has treatment. With appropriate treatment, DCIS is unlikely to develop into invasive cancer. A woman with DCIS does not need all the same treatment as a woman diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, but she does need surgery to remove the DCIS, and radiation to ensure that any stray, abnormal cells are destroyed. This lowers the risk that the DCIS will recur or that invasive breast cancer will develop.

DCIS does not need to be treated immediately. A woman can spend a few weeks after her diagnosis to talk with her doctors, learn the facts about her treatment choices, and think about what is important to her before she chooses which kind of treatment to have.

Treatment Choices for DCIS
DCIS patients have three surgery choices. They are 1) lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy 2) mastectomy or 3) mastectomy with breast reconstruction surgery. Most women with DCIS can choose lumpectomy.

Lumpectomy means that the surgeon removes only the cancer and some normal tissue around it. This kind of surgery keeps a woman's breast intact - looking a lot like it did before surgery. Under most circumstances, mastectomy does not increase survival time for women with DCIS, and would only be considered under unusual circumstances, such as cases where the breast is very small or the area of DCIS is very large.

Radiation therapy is also recommended for almost all women with DCIS after lumpectomy. This type of treatment is very important because it could keep more DCIS or invasive cancer from developing in the same breast. DCIS patients who choose lumpectomy with radiation live just as long as they would with mastectomy.

Tamoxifen or another hormonal therapy is recommended for some women with DCIS to help prevent breast cancer. The benefit is that it can further decrease the risk of recurrence of DCIS or the development of invasive breast cancer. However, these medicines can have potentially dangerous side effects, such as increased risk of endometrial cancer, severe circulatory problems, or stroke. In addition, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and a possibility of premature menopause are common for women who were not yet menopausal when they started treatment.

Unlike women with invasive breast cancer, women with DCIS do not undergo chemotherapy and they usually do not need to have their lymph nodes tested or removed. Experts are not sure whether all women with DCIS would eventually develop invasive breast cancer if they live for a long time and are not treated. They do know that most women with DCIS who undergo surgery and radiation can put fears of breast cancer behind them.

Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS)

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is also sometimes referred to as stage zero breast cancer. But we shouldn't let the words "carcinoma" or "cancer" scare women. LCIS got its name many years ago, before doctors realized that it is not breast cancer at all.

Unlike breast cancer, LCIS does not form a tumor. Unlike DCIS, it does not form abnormal cells that can develop into invasive cancer. That is why no surgery is needed to remove LCIS. Instead, LCIS is one of several conditions that may indicate an increased risk for a woman to develop breast cancer in the future. Even though most women who have LCIS never develop breast cancer, a woman with LCIS should talk to her physician to evaluate all her risk factors and to set up a plan to monitor her breast health, such as regular mammograms. This will ensure that any changes in her breast health can be detected and evaluated very early.

How is LCIS different from breast cancer?
In LCIS, some of the cells lining the lobules (the parts of the breast that can make milk) have developed abnormally. LCIS is not cancer. It does not cause pain or produce a lump. In fact, by itself, LCIS is not a dangerous condition.

How does LCIS affect breast cancer risk?
There is no way for doctors to predict whether a woman with LCIS will develop breast cancer in the future. Most won't, but if they do, it could be in either breast (not just the one where the LCIS was found) and in any part of the breast (not just in the area near where the LCIS was discovered).

What is the treatment for LCIS?
LCIS has no symptoms, and is first suspected because of an abnormal mammogram. A biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis. After a diagnosis is made, no more surgery or other treatment is needed, even if the affected area is large.

The abnormally developing cells that make up LCIS are often spread around in more than one location in the breast. It may even be in several areas and both breasts. If LCIS is diagnosed in one breast, it is not necessary to search for it or biopsy the second breast or to try to locate each area of affected lobules. That's because no treatment is necessary regardless of the spread or location.

Women diagnosed with LCIS may question why no treatment is necessary, but experts agree that LCIS is a condition that should be managed rather than a disease to be treated. You can think of it like being overweight, which is a condition that puts a person at risk for heart disease but is not itself heart disease - and people who are overweight do not always develop heart disease.

Women with LCIS who are especially worried and want to "do something" can consider a low calorie or low-fat diet, as well as an increase in fresh fruits and vegetables to reduce their risk of future breast cancer. Although the research is not conclusive, those kinds of dietary changes may reduce the risk of breast cancer, and also have the potential to prevent other diseases. Hormonal therapy (with a drug such as tamoxifen) is also sometimes recommended to reduce the risk of future breast cancer, although it has the potentially dangerous side effects mentioned earlier, such as increasing the risk of stroke and endometrial cancer, and can cause unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. However, if a woman is very worried and does not feel comfortable without treatment, hormonal therapy is a less radical prevention method that bilateral mastectomies.

Other Non-Cancerous Breast Conditions.

Many women who find lumps on their breasts do not have cancer, DCIS, or LCIS. Non-cancerous lumps can be cysts that are filled with fluid, or fibroadenomas, which are smooth, and hard, often feeling like a marble under the skin. Thickened but harmless areas called pseudo-lumps also fall into this category. Cysts are sometimes but not always drained, but otherwise, these conditions usually require no further treatment. Fibrocystic breasts (also called mammary dysplasia, benign breast disease, or diffuse cystic mastopathy) feel bumpy or lumpy and sometimes painful. This condition used to be considered a pre-cancerous disease, but experts now realize that it is not a disease and does not increase the risk of breast cancer.

What About Mastectomy to Prevent Future Breast Cancer?

Ten or 20 years ago, when breast conditions like these were diagnosed, they were often treated with mastectomy, surgery which completely removes the affected breast. Sometimes a healthy second breast was also removed (prophylactic mastectomy), even when there was no sign of cancer or other abnormalities in the other breast.

Today, thanks to advances in scientists' understanding of breast cancer and of these other conditions, along with the development of better diagnostic, surgical, and treatment techniques, mastectomy is often unnecessary. In fact, we now know that a less radical treatment (lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy for most DCIS or Stage 1 or Stage 2 cancers) or no treatment (for cysts, fibroadenomas, fibrocystic breasts, and LCIS) is just as effective. Except in unusual circumstances, mastectomy does not increase survival time for these conditions, and the risks of mastectomy usually outweigh any benefits.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Journey

My journey started in my 20's

I found my first lump.
People in their 20's don't get breast cancer...very often...and insurance doesn't pay for a mammogram because when you are in your 20's they consider it unwarranted.
I personally think that if any test is needed or highly recommended that it should be covered under insurance.
In my case they wouldn't pay.
I did however get one.
Of course since the lump was up high in my breast it came back inconclusive. Now I had to get a ultrasound done. Again, insurance didn't want to pay for it, any they didn't.
Another lump was found besides the initial lump I came in for.
It didn't appear to be a good lump.
(there are good lumps?) 
It was on the breast wall.  We couldn't feel it.  
I had my first lumpectomy, well actually it's called a double lumpectomy. My doctor was concerned with scars (at this point I really didn't care) but I agreed to let Dr. Hunton cut along the edge of the nipple and retrieve the lumps.
It all came back fine.

Years later....another lump.
This one was different from the beginning.
I had not been feeling good at all for awhile.
Again I undergo a mammogram only to have to have yet again another ultrasound.
This time I was somewhat older, insurance let it be filed. Both test came back inconclusive. Now mind you they never do these things on the same day.
They make you wait and come back and wait and come back. They draw everything out so you are in a constant state of worry and stress and nerves rubbed raw.
I underwent my first needle biopsy, by myself,
in a room with my doctor and a nurse I had never saw before.
I really like Dr. Hunton.
He has a love for Starbucks coffee as do I. He numbed me up. He left.
He returned with my favorite drink from the coffee shop downstairs of the hospital.
That's one way to win me over.
He did the biopsy and I went to my next appointment on the otherside of the building.

I had gotten an appointment with my gyno to get checked out. 
It was my last resort. I had went to my regular doctor and had somewhat of a exam, but since I wasn't "sick" and didn't have a fever, a bug, a sinus infection, I was told nothing was wrong with me. I see Dr. Muyleart and after his initial review fo me he decided we needed to do alittle more.
I ended up having to have cells scraped from my cervix.
I had to come back for some more test and procedures. He wouldn't tell me alot.
I was to come back in two days.
I went downstairs to my truck.....and promptly threw up that wonderful cup of Joe in the parking lot.

I have a growth.....possibly more.....I also have a lump in my breast.

I have abnormal cells......what exactly does that me for me, my health, my future?