Friday, April 1, 2011

Miracles Do Happen

My good friend Abbie has a new grandbaby that was very eager to come into the world and was born early. Her daughter Sidney and her baby boy, James Edward need every prayer they can get.

James was born weighing 1 pound 10.7 ounces, and was 12 1/2 inches long. He has a very long road to go.

Currently he is doing very well. Tests done have turned out great and I pray that he keeps on fighting the fight.  He has dark hair, big feet and very long fingers....just like his momma.  Having been 4 pounds when I was born and also having friends whom have had "small" babies still didn't prepare me for the sight. The sight of this small miracle, who by all accounts may or may not make it, who is doing so very well for being so very tiny. 

I am awed by him. I couldn't stop checking everything little thing out about him. I'm just completely awestruck by the sight of him. He moved his little right foot and it was the cutest thing.  You can see his heart beating in his chest and all you can think about it the fact that God made this tiny person and that tiny heart has certainly touched mine.  I pray everyday that he keeps growing, keeps improving and one day I will be blessed to hold him and love him.

Perhaps he will call me a honorary Aunt or Granny....I can't wait!  

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